Imaging Forensics

Digital Imaging Institute

Several years ago I thought that there was a need for an organization for photographers and imaging experts who worked in scientific and technical fields. That is, for who work within disciplines where the technical aspects of their work was more important than the aesthetic aspect of their work. These disciplines would include forensics, medicine, research, aerospace, historical documentation, academia, astronomy, biology, archaeology, etc.

Well, time passed and I didn’t do much except think about it. Then I received an e-mail one day from Mark Maio. He independently had the same idea, and formed The Digital Imaging Institute. He’s gathered a group of experts in a variety of technical disciplines to begin this organization. They have published issues of the excellent Digital Insight Magazine. They have formed DII Groups in specific disciplines as well as in specific technologies.

The organization is still new, but I anticipate that it will be the place where those of us who work in technical and scientific fields of imaging can share information with each other, learn from each other, and benefit from those in different disciplines who face similar challenges in finding the best imaging solutions.

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