Imaging Forensics

Photoshop Feature Requests

When I present workshops, many people frequently ask for a handful of features. Two of the most popular are improvements to the History Log and getting back the LayerComps to PDF script. Two questions that are raised when these issues are brought up include, “Why is it this way?” and, “How do we let Adobe know we want this or that feature?”

The main reason why features don’t exist that you may think are obvious needs, is that Adobe doesn’t know that it’s a needed feature. If 100 people ask for a feature, then that gets their attention, but if only one person asks, it simply won’t carry the same weight of the frequently requested features.

I suggest that if there are features that you want, that you let Adobe know. You can do this by posting to the Adobe Photoshop Feature Request Forum. You’ll have to register to post, but it’s relatively painless.

What about finding solutions to problems you are having? Again, Adobe can’t fix a problem without knowing that it exists. They have a Photoshop Macintosh Forum, and a Photoshop Windows Forum.

Use these forums to let Adobe know what you’d like, what’s working and what’s not working. Another great resource is John Nack’s Blog. John is the Principal Product Manager for Photoshop at Adobe. He frequently asks readers of his blog for feedback on features. Keep an eye on his blog, and provide him with feedback when he asks for it in addition to posting on the forums listed above. If we don’t let Adobe know what we want, then we can only blame ourselves if we don’t get those features.

Categories : Blog, Photoshop